View count: 6903

Customizing Front-end (Widgets)

Adding Widgets

The first method to add widgets

Goto the Home Page

Go to the specific page where the admin wants to add the widget

Hover the mouse on your user account name

Click on Edit Mode On

Click on the + button to open widget adding interface







Adding Textarea Widget

Click Text Area(to add text ), Enter the text in the content area and click on the update button

Admin can view the content added


Adding Plug-in Module widget

Click on the  Plug-in Module widget

Enter the widget name

Select the relevant module

Select to apply the widget on all the sub pages

Select Widget Style from the drop down menu

Select relevant widget method

Select the read more page option amongst the list of pages of provided for that module. This will redirect the user to the selected page when user clicks on read more button in the widget. If not selected, the system will smartly select the most appropriate page to redirect.

Select the relevant category(s) and tag(s) (If Available)

Enter the Data Count

Click on the update button

Hover mouse over the account name and click on Edit Mode Off to complete the action



  • To delete the widget, click on the none tab.

The Second method to add widgets

Click on the admin area from Orbit Bar

Click on structure

Hover the mouse over particular page and click on eye symbol

Click on the + button


Customizing Front-end