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Overview To Content


The objective of this section is to manage the entire content of the website supported by modules: AD Banner, Announcement, Archive, Authorization, Category, FAQ, Gallery, Page Content, Tags and Web Resource.

To manage content efficiently and effortlessly, these modules are built to be admin’s strong support for content management.

screenshot--2017-06-15-17-39-32.pngCategory is the basis for all other modules, as it acts as the common element which connects all the information which will be displayed in the front-end . For example a university can create  categories like Admissions and Activities  for any module and these categories will become a distinctive element through which admin can manage front-end data and authorizations.

To further explain this, when admin creates a page from structure in the admin area, they need to assign a unique page ID for the same and in that process admin needs to select a module and its category(s) and tag(s). This will decide the precise data which will be displayed in the front-end. Also if in any module admin has not created any category, the system will show a message box to the admin to create a category.

screenshot--2017-06-19-17-47-03.pngTags also play integral part of the system as they help to further bifurcate the data. Admin can use tags to filter data in the back-end and even the data displayed in front-end. Taking the same example as before, two categories have been created named Admissions and Activities.

To further bifurcate them so that it’s even more easier to filter the data so we add tags like Admission process,  Important Admission Dates, Outdoor Activities and Indoor Activities. Now we can can allot Admission category to data related to admission and assign tags to the data to make it even more disintegrated.

screenshot--2017-06-19-17-48-23.pngAnnouncement is one of the important module which allows you to add several articles which can be viewed by the users in front-end. For example, you can first create categories like News and Alumni updates  under the announcement module. After creating them one can add articles and related links & files under these categories for this module.

Feeds can also be added in the announcement module, they are based only on tags. This helps the admin to create feeds from different categories. Admin can create JSON and RSS feeds using the FeedList module. These feeds can be used by any RSS reader or Orbit system.

screenshot--2017-06-19-17-50-08.pngAuthorization is a significant module for the admin users. It allows the admin to authorize(give special rights) different modules to different members or member-roles. The authorization levels include Manager and Sub Manager. The manager has the right to manage(add, del,edit,view, creating new categories) and control the whole module. The sub manager on the contrary can manage(add,del,edit,view) only restricted to his category.

For example there are three members Cindy, Winnie and Roots and three roles: staff, teacher and directors: Admin wants to authorize cindy as manager for the announcement module and winnie as a manager for the FAQ module, so by using the authorization module, admin can give managerial rights to Cindy and Winnie for Announcement and FAQ modules respectively. Admin can further authorize sub managers  for the same module assigning  related categories which they can control. Admin can also authorize all the staff members to be sub managers for announcement module restricted to category “News”.

Further describing at length, the hierarchy of authorization is as follows:-

For Example Admin has created a category called Activities & Events under the gallery module. There are three staff members Ricky, Stella and Claire , Admin wants to authorize the entire role of staff as Sub Managers for the category Activities & Events but admin also wants to make Ricky as a manager for that module. So the admin can explicitly give Ricky manager authorization which will override his individual member authorization as a sub manager, hence he will only get Manager authority and not sub manager authority.


Considering the same example, but reversing the situation where we have the same category Activities and Events under the gallery module and now admin wants to authorize the entire role of staff as managers but admin wants to authorize Ricky as a sub manager. So the admin can explicitly give Ricky sub-manager authorization which will override his role authorization as manager, hence he will only get sub-manager authority and not manager authority.


screenshot--2017-06-19-17-51-18.pngArchive module allows the user to store files under different categories created in that module. This module helps in preserving information for visitors’ reference.

For example one can add files of list of alumnis of different departments.

adbanner.pngAD Banner is used to add different web page banners(images) to your website, to visually uplift website’s appearance which helps to make the right kind of impact to end users. Admin can create different banners which can contain various images and can be assigned different banners to different pages in the frontend.

screenshot--2017-06-19-18-06-40.pngFAQ module as the name suggests it's about frequently asked questions. If you want to create such a section on your website you can use this module to include all your questions and answers to it which admin thinks his end users must be seeking on regular basis. The admin can also set the order for the questions created using the order option.

screenshot--2017-06-19-18-02-45.pngGallery module allows to create albums and add images to it. User can assign categories and tags to albums.

screenshot--2017-06-19-18-00-14.pngPage Content allows to write detailed content on your website. For example pages like about us, contact us etc one can use this module. This module has a powerful editor which can be used to insert images, youtube videos, tables, lists etc. to your content. You can even insert and edit HTML in this editor. Hence allowing you to completely customize the page.

This module has another feature called wiki pages which allows you to internally create links. For Example you can create wiki pages like “2015”, “2016” and “2017” for Alumni page, when you click on any of these links, it will take you to respective wiki page. These wiki pages are not seen in the site menu or sitemap.                           

screenshot--2017-06-19-18-00-43.pngWeb Resource allows you to add web links to the website. It’s useful for creating a page with all the external links in your website. For example a university site can add a page with all the links to its department websites.