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Overview to Community


This section is about Member management, Group discussions and showcasing one's own body of work to the academic community.

The modules for community are Member, Groups, Academic Plugins and Analysis.

screenshot--2017-06-19-18-03-11.pngMember module offers the entire platform for all the entities connected to the academic community to come together  and describe at length their body of work. New members can be created here by the admin and also this module allows the admin to add Member profile attributes.

To explain in detail let's take an example, Suppose the admin wants to create a new member Tia, he can do so by adding all the information in the provided attributes about Tia but if the admin feels that the website needs one more important attributes which will be helpful and impactful, admin can create new member profile attribute(s) which will be displayed in new member page. Admin can for example add ‘member description’ where admin can input brief description of a member to its profile.

Also like Member Attribute, Member Roles can be added. Default roles added in the system are Teacher and Staff. Admin can add other roles according to his requirement for example Director role can be added for all the board members of the university.

This is an image Groups module provides user to create different groups: private or public according to user’s preference. This module is available to any logged in user. Any user can create groups and  have discussions regarding various topics.

For example  user can make a group about “Latest trends in technology” where all the members can create posts which can contain text, files, images etc and other members can comment on it. Groups can be private and public. For private groups, group admin can only add new members whereas public groups will be listed publicly and any user can join it. Groups can have read or write rights. Only group admins can post in groups with read only right, whereas any member can post in the group with write right.

Site admin can view all the groups and delete in-appropriate groups.

screenshot--2017-06-20-10-45-56.pngAcademic Info will allow to manage  academic plugins like journal paper, Book/Book Chapter, Conference paper,Patent, Lab work,Research project, Degree, Experience and Honor. One can add details to all these plugins to make your member profile impactful.

screenshot--2017-06-19-18-08-49.pngAnalysis module will provide admin with graphical analysis of  academic plugins.